Thursday, December 27, 2012

The Holiday Clean Up

After the dinner's done, the gifts have been opened and the guests have left for the evening, you turn around with a sigh, stare at what looks like the remnants of a tornado that has torn through your home.

Now comes the chore of post holiday clean up.
Here are some simple tips to help get things back in order and your life back on track.

  1. Use re-usable totes to store your Holiday decor so you can safely put away your decorations and easily find them again next year. I would choose clear totes so you can see what it in it. If you are ultra organized, you can print a list of what is in the tote and tape it to the inside wall (so the type is visible from the outside) or tape it to the top of the lid. This way you don't have to take the tote down and open it to see you've chosen the wrong one.
  2. After the tree comes down, wrap your lights around a piece of cardboard so they stay untangled and are ready for next year. Tape the replacement bulbs to the cardboard as well. You can also use this method for your garland and things of similar nature. 
  3. Use the things eggs come in for storing your ornaments. 
  4. Use a shop vac to suck up the needles and anything else that fell off the tree when you removed it. An upright may get clogged with the course, long needles and you will most likely come upon an ornament hook here and there that can cause damage to an upright. Once you get the majority of the needles up with your shop vac, use your upright to make sure you've got all the glitter and small leftovers.

I hope these tips help in getting your household cleaned up and ready for the new year. 
~Erica Jensen, President Clean Right Co.

Need some help cleaning up? Give Clean Right Company a call and schedule a cleaning service today! 
Call (509) 534-3343 or visit for your Free Estimate!

Friday, December 7, 2012

Time is Money

Professional cleaners walk a fine line between giving the customer what they want versus what the customer is willing to pay for. Many times the two just don't line up.

Here are a few things to keep in mind when you are requesting bids for your cleaning service needs:

  1. Make a list of what is most important to you in the cleaning of your home and compare that to the service being offered. Find out what the company's standard is then inform them of the discrepancies between your list and theirs, if any! If the discrepancies are many, then this is a good sign that this is not the company you will be happy with. Save yourself some time and move on.
  2. Most cleaning services offer a basic service that can be expanded on so don't be afraid to tell them what you want. The only way they will know what you expect is if you say it. 
  3. Keep in mind that the more tasks you add, the more you will pay. When you hire someone to clean your home, you are paying for their time. Labor is the most expensive part of any business so keep that in mind when making your requests.
  4. Be realistic with your expectations versus what you are willing to pay. If you want all of your furniture moved and vacuumed under at each service, versus a couple time a year, then be willing to pay for the time associated with doing so. 
  5. A professional and experienced cleaner will know, on average, how long it takes to clean a half bath versus a full bath versus a 3/4 bath versus a large master. If you have a question as to why their price is the way it is (high or low) you should start by asking how long they have allotted for the cleaning of your home. This will either answer your question and relieve your concern or, let you know that you are not on the same page as the cleaner and again, you should move on.
I hope these tips help! Sincerely, Erica Jensen ~President Clean Right Company

Clean Right Company is a full service residential and commercial cleaning company servicing Spokane, WA and surrounding areas. Please give us a call at (509) 534-3343 or visit our website at for more information.

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Holiday Madness

I can't believe Thanksgiving is over and Christmas is just around the corner with New Years picking up the rear. Who's idea was it to group these holidays all together anyways?

The end of year holiday season can be a huge stress on our already busy lives. Feeling the stress of gift giving, spending time with family, travel, decorating, cooking, baking, and all while living our normal (or not so normal) day to day lives can become overwhelming.

There are some things we an do to relieve ourselves of the burdens associated with the Holidays.
Here are a few tips:


  1. Have that holiday dinner at someone else's home or go out to dinner. Wouldn't it be nice not to have to cook a huge meal and not have a huge mess to clean up either? YES! Though, if you do have dinner at someone else's home, bring a dish with you so they don't feel the pressure of cooking for everyone either and help clean up a bit before you go. If you go out to dinner, then tip your server because they are having to miss out on spending time with their loved ones and working on a holiday is no fun.
  2. Have a pot luck! If you decide to have dinner at your home, then ask everyone to bring a side dish while you take care of the main course(s). You could also order your entire dinner from places like Fred Meyer. They'll make it all for you and all you have to do is pick it up and plate it. And at my home, the kids have to clean up after the meal!

  1. It's fun and rewarding to give gifts but it can also be a financial burden. Stick to giving gifts to parents and children. As we get older, our families grow and soon we are feeling obligated to give gifts to our parents, the kids, our sisters, aunts, uncles, nephews, nieces, etc. This trend becomes very expensive and extremely overwhelming. If you stick to buying a gift for your parents and the children in your life (not the ones you never see or don't know well), you will be able to give more thoughtful gifts and not break the bank.
  2. Make something! This is my favorite thing to do. I've bought Christmas tins and baked cookies to put in. I've made blankets, rice warmers (the things you stick in the microwave, heat up and then enjoy the glorious warmth), stuffed animals, etc. I like to create and make and I believe these gifts are the best kind because you spent your time and energy to create something for someone you love.
  1. There's nothing worse than traveling with cranky kids. Whether it's by car, plane or train, plan ahead. Bring something to play movies on, bring car friendly games, books, snack and drinks, bring anything and everything to keep your kids occupied and distracted.
  2. Just don't do it! Stay home and relax. The Holidays are not suppose to be something we dread. If you don't want to travel cross state to see relatives you don't have to. Stay home and have a nice, quiet and intimate holiday with your closest family and friends.
Oh ya, one last tip -Hire Clean Right Company to clean your home just in time for the holidays. Call now to book your service before it's too late!!!

Erica Jensen
Clean Right Company
(509) 534-3343

Thursday, October 18, 2012

What's your time worth?

I'd like to talk about an economics term- 'Opportunity Costs'.
What this term relates to is the cost/loss are you suffering from choosing to do one thing over another with your time.

Let's relate this to cleaning...

For instance:
If I choose to clean my own home versus hiring a professional cleaning service to do it, what costs/losses are associated with the time I spend doing this?
I don't mean the cost of the cleaning supplies and equipment but rather, what am I not doing, that I could be doing, if I wasn't cleaning my home?

Now I know hiring a service to clean your home costs money but it costs you more than just dollars, it costs you time. So let's take a look at what we could be doing instead of cleaning and the potential costs/losses associated with it.

  1. I could be cleaning someone else's home, which actually makes me money! So if I clean my own home instead of working, I am losing those dollars. Example: Let's say it costs $90 to have my house cleaned and, while having my house cleaned, I clean someone else's house for $120. I just made a $30 profit and have a clean home too!
  2. I could be selling/marketing/blogging, which doesn't make me money but does increase my chance to gain clients so again, I am losing the opportunity to make money. Example: Again, it costs me $90 to have my house cleaned but I get 3 calls from the marketing campaign I worked on while my house was getting cleaned and I actually sell 1 of those clients for a $120 recurring cleaning service. 
  3. I could be spending time with my family. This doesn't make me money but it makes me, and my family happy!  
  4. I could be exercising! Oh shoot, I just found time to exercise!?!? And what's more important, a clean home or a clean bill of health? Example: It costs me $90 to have my house cleaned but I choose to do it myself thus not having the time to exercise. Not exercising leads to muscle loss which leads to a lower back issue which I have to go to the doctor for. The doctor send me to a specialist who needs to do some expensive procedure which costs me way more than that $90 maid service.
  5. I could be just plain ole relaxing! In this hectic life style we've created, taking time just to relax is a must for your sanity! 
It all boils down to what is your time worth? For me, it's worth much more than what I would pay to have my house cleaned and I'm sure you feel the same. You would be greatly surprised just how affordable a cleaning service for your home is especially after you factor in the Opportunity Cost associated with your time.

So I ask you, what is your time worth? 
Get your FREE maid service estimate by visiting our website at or calling (509) 534-3343

Erica Jensen -President
(509) 534-3343
Servicing Spokane, WA and surrounding areas.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Chill Out Dude! Your health depends on it....

We all know that leading a stressful life-style can have serious side effects, especially on our health. Researchers say that high levels of stress can lead to physical symptoms including headaches, upset stomach, trouble sleeping and an elevated heart rate & blood pressure which can lead to an increased risk of heart disease. It also weakens our immune systems which puts us at greater risk of getting ill. 

Many times, as well, when we get over stressed it becomes difficult to think clearly. It's best to try not to make rash decisions when you are over stressed about something. Instead, take some time to think things over -Sleep on it! When I'm working out and not thinking about all the little issues and incomplete tasks or even a major problem, I come up with great solutions and ideas to make things easier simply because the ability to not stress over them has allowed my brain to come up with the solution subconsciously~Sometimes our brains don't need our help.

It is more important now, than anytime in the past, that we take time to 'Chill-Out'! Trust me, I know it is very, very, very difficult to carve out enough time in the day for the things we 'have-to' do let alone the things we 'want-to' do but we must move our 'chill-out' time from the want-to list to need-to list. 

Perhaps you can combine this time with something else from one of your lists? I take an hour a day to work-out and I also consider this my 'chill-out' time. Most people would think that's crazy talk but, for me, when I work out I am not thinking of anything but what I'm doing at that specific moment. This is about the only time of day that I don't have 100 other things on my mind so it's definitely a 'Chill-Out' time for me. So not only am I getting the health benefit of staying fit, I'm also getting some time to 'chill-out' and relieving pent up tension and stress from the day. 

Here's another great idea! Hire a professional cleaning service to relieve the stress of of a dirty home from your shoulders. You'd be amazed at how relieving it is to come home to a clean house after a long-stressful day at work or just plane old life. I've had customers call and tell me that they were in tears when they came home to a fresh and clean home. Interested? Then give us a call at Clean Right Company for your FREE Estimate! (509) 534-3343 or go online to our website at for more information.

Erica Jensen ~President 
Clean Right Company 

Friday, September 28, 2012

Don't look now but it's coming!

The leaves will soon be changing from green to the colors of Autumn and, along with the changing landscape, comes the dreaded flu season.  So how can you avoid getting the flu? I'm glad you asked. Here are some tips to avoid contracting this terrible phenomenon:

  1. Eat Healthy: Start by fueling your body with foods rich in vitamins and minerals and drink plenty of water. Colorful fruits and vegetables are jam packed with healthy nutrients our bodies need for healthy living.
  2. Wash/Sanitize you hands!: Not only after using the restroom but wash/sanitize them after handling things that many others have handled as well. Such as: shopping cart handles, the ATM, door handles to public areas, etc. 
  3. Avoid people who are sick: It may seem mean but the less contact you have with those who are ill, the less likely you are to catch it.
  4. Don't touch your face: Keep you hands away from your eyes, nose and mouth. 
  5. Get your rest: Your body needs sleep to re-energize and fight any invading germs.
  6. Exercise!: Yep, you read me right... get out there and exercise. Not only does Working out regularly helps build a strong immune system but getting a good sweat going helps your body release toxins through your sweat glands. 4
  7. Last but not least, get your flu shot!
I hope these tips help keep you healthy this Fall!

Erica Jensen ~President, Clean Right Company (509) 534-3343

Friday, September 21, 2012

Making Time

Business, school, gym, eat & sleep. Get up the next day and do it all again!

In today's society our lives are filled to the brim with To Do's. It seems there is never enough time in the day to accomplish everything you need to get done. So you take those tasks and put them on tomorrow's list of To Do's which creates a backlog of tasks that just never seem to get done. So what can we do to make time for those extra tasks and maybe a little time for ourselves?

Here are a few tips that I've found useful in my own, busy life:

  1. Get up at least 30 minutes earlier: I find I can get so much done first thing in the morning. The phones haven't started ringing yet, staff isn't at services yet and the world seems to still be asleep. This is the time that I take to return emails, print things, make my list of tasks that need done that day, etc. 
  2. Lists: I make a list for everything! I have a weekly To Do list and a daily To Do list. Once I have my list written out I make a plan on how to accomplish each task in the most efficient way. Example: I have to pick up supplies from Grainger, see my staff at a service in the valley and give an estimate on the south hill at 1pm. I start off seeing my staff in the valley, then go to Grainger on my way back into town, then hit the freeway and go to the South Hill. Not only does this save time it also saves gas.
  3. Don't over-commit: Try not to commit yourself to things that are not that important or that you are not that interested in. Once you become over booked, you become over worked and the stress and anxiety will only make you feel even more out of control. It is very difficult to say no but, if there's one thing I've learned, you can't say yes to everyone. 
  4. Go to bed at least 30 minutes later: I'm not saying deprive yourself of sleep because you must get your sleep in order to function properly but, if you can, try to stay up a little later so you can stretch your day a bit more. For example: Let's say you are use to going to bed at 9pm (like me!). Try to stay up till 9:30. This, coupled with the 30 minutes you gained from getting up earlier, gives you an entire extra hour. That's enough time to have dinner with a friend or family, go to the gym, or just take the time for yourself!
  5. Don't try to do it all on your own!: Know when to ask for help. If you have a spouse or kids, ask them to chip in on the household chores like cleaning or cooking. If that doesn't work for you than hire a professional to take on some of your work load. You can hire someone to do just about anything for you. Lawn care service, personal assistant service, and of course house cleaning service
I hope my ideas are helpful in making more time for you in your busy life. Don't forget to take a breath and count your blessings. Today will soon be over and tomorrow is another day filled with promise... and things to do!

Erica Jensen President, Clean Right Company
(509) 534-3343 phone

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Kitchen Cleaning Tips and Tricks

The kitchen is another area of the home that most people are not too keen on cleaning. But, it doesn't have to be as big of a chore as it seems. Let me share some tips and tricks for getting, and keeping, your kitchen clean (even if you cook in it!!).

  • The Microwave: Ever open your microwave to find, what looks like, a bomb has gone off in it? We come across this often in our industry in both commercial and residential settings. Because you use this appliance to cook food, you don't want to use a chemical cleaning agent to clean up the mess. So what can you do? Take a towel and get it damp, place it in the microwave and nuke it for 60 seconds. Once the dinger goes off, let it sit, with the door closed, for another 60 seconds. (You can use this down time to wipe the back splash and counter tops!) Now open the microwave and use that warm towel to wipe away the mess. What happens is you are creating a steam bath in your microwave that loosens the stuck on junk. Make sure you wait that second 60 seconds so you don't burn your hands on the hot towel!
  • The Oven: Yuk! The oven is one of the cleaning tasks everyone dreads. But, here are some tips to make it a job that isn't so bad. First, use the self cleaning mode, if you have one. Sure it's gonna heat your house up and, usually, stink it up too but, it sure beats scraping and scrubbing all that gunk from the bottom of the oven. Once the self cleaner ends, open the door and wipe out the ash. Any remaining gunk can be scraped out with a razor or scrubbed out with a piece of fine grade steel wool. If you aren't lucky enough to have a self cleaner or just don't want to use it, there are a couple choices you have. 1- use a chemical oven cleaner. Spray it in, let it sit, scrape up the gunk and scrub out the left overs with a piece of fine grade steel wool. 2 -if you don't want to use chemicals your are going to have to put some elbow grease into it. First, scrape out as much gunk as you can with a razor. Then put some water in an oven safe container and turn your oven on a low temp. Close the door and heat the water till it steams the inside of your oven. Let the steam work over the gunk for as long as you want but make sure you don't let it go so long that all the water evaporates and you end up cooking the gunk back on. Turn the oven off and let it cool. Once it has had a chance to cool down, wipe out the gunk. You may need to use a piece of steel wool to get any left overs. Another helpful tool for an oven is a pumice stone. Yes, a pumice stone. The inside of your oven is made of porcelain, just like your toilet, and a pumice stone will scour out those stubborn stains. Tip: Don't let your oven get out of control. Wipe out the spills and splashes as soon as you notice them. Of course, make sure your oven is cool before you do it!
  • The Garbage Disposal: Oh my how these things can get stinky! Once a week you should sprinkle some baking soda down the disposal drain and then pour some vinegar down it till the foam fills the drain and comes through into your sink. Not only is it fun but it cleans out the drain! After that run HOT water down the drain for a minute or so. Once I do that I like to take half a lemon and grind it up in the disposal. Tip: When your dishwasher is draining, turn your disposal on while it does it. The water draining from your dishwasher is super heated (as long as you have that button selected on your dishwasher) and will help clean out the drain and blades of your disposal.
That's it for this week! Hope you've enjoyed ~Erica Jensen, President of Clean Right Company in Spokane, WA

Want a clean kitchen but would rather spend the time with friends and family? No problem! Give Clean Right Company a call and we'll do it for you (along with the rest of your house!) (509) 534-3343 or visit for more information on Clean Right Company and the cleaning services we offer.

Friday, August 31, 2012

A clean bathroom doesn't have to be a chore

One of the most dreaded areas in a home to clean is the bathroom. Many people hate to think about the scrubbing and scouring associated with cleaning your tub and toilet. Here is the way we, here at Clean Right Company, clean a bathroom. It streamlines the process so you are using less energy and letting the cleaning agents do most of the work for you.

First, here's a list of supplies you are going to need:

  1. Abrasive cleaner with a bleaching agent -something like Comet.
  2. Disinfecting cleaner
  3. Glass cleaner
  4. Tub and tile cleaner
  5. Your favorite cleaning towels -we use terry cloth
  6. A white/light duty scouring pad -to be used in your sink and tub. Choose one that won't scratch your shower's surround, especially if it is a plastic surround.
  7. A green/medium duty scouring pad -to be used in your toilet
  8. A pumice stone -for those rings in your toilet (if you have them) 

Step 1: Prep your bathroom for cleaning. You do this by taking out all the rugs, clearing off your counter tops and putting everything away. Get a basket or something that you can put everything from your shower in. This makes it easier to do the scrubbing needed without knocking things around. 

Step 2: Spray the shower with Tub and Tile Cleaner. A tip here is to get your shower walls wet first. This helps spread the tub and tile cleaner evenly over your shower walls. Make sure you read the directions and warnings on the bottle, wear gloves and open a window for ventilation. Tub and tile cleaners are acidic and may cause irritation to your skin. 

Step 3: Sprinkle the Abrasive Cleaner in your sink and toilet. No special tricks here!

Step 4: Dust the light above your mirror. I just take a dry towel and remove the dust from my lights. If it has been a while since you've done this, you may need to put more effort into it. If you do, then turn off your lights and lightly spray your towel with the glass cleaner. Make sure your lights are off and are not hot.

Step 5: Scrub the sink and toilet and rinse. Take your white/light duty scouring pad and scrub your sink. Take the scrubber to the faucet and handles as well. If you have hard water build up, you may need to put more effort into it but be sure not to scratch your finishes. Use warm water to rinse the abrasive cleaner down the drain. Use the green/medium scouring pad to scrub the inside of your toilet. You may also need to use the pumice stone to remove any hard water and rings. When you are done, flush the toilet to rinse.

Step 6: Wipe down and polish the sink and toilet areas. Spray your towel with glass cleaner and clean the mirror above your sink. Then use the disinfectant to clean your counter tops and to polish your sink and faucet. Now us disinfectant to clean the rest of your toilet including the top, seat, bowl, front and sides all the way down to where it bolts to the floor. I take the opportunity to wipe the floor around my toilet at this time while I'm down there. 

Step 7: The shower! The shower is the most difficult area to clean in any bathroom. You have already sprayed the shower walls with the tub and tile cleaner. It has had time to break down soap scum and hard water so now all you have to do is use the white/light duty scouring pad to scrub the walls. If the shower walls are dry, get the pad wet and scrub away. Make sure you are scrubbing real good in the areas where the water actually hits you walls when you shower as well as in, under and around the soap holder. Once you are happy with the walls, rinse them with warm water. After rinsing the walls, sprinkle your abrasive cleaner in the tub and use the same white/light duty pad to scrub your tub. Once scrubbed, rinse with warm water. Now use a clean, dry towel to dry your shower walls, polish the faucet, shower head and handles and to dry the tub. 

Step 8: Last but not least, the bathroom floor. You can use whatever you like to clean the floor but I find it easiest just to wipe it down with my disinfectant and a towel on my hands and knees. Of course if you have a huge bathroom you may want to use something that will be more convenient for you. 

Now that you have a nice clean bathroom you can put your items back in your shower, on your counter and put clean towels and rugs out. 

I suggest you give your bathroom a good cleaning at least every other week. 

Not sounding like a good time? Then give Clean Right Company a call and we'll do it for you. Along with the rest of your house! (509) 534-3343 or visit us online at

Friday, August 24, 2012

Getting ready for back to school

When I was a kid, back to school time was actually pretty exciting and, for most kids this is true. Its exciting because we get to go shopping for new clothes and new school supplies, we get to meet our new teachers and classmates and meet up with old friends. But this can also be a time of stress and anxiety, not only for kids, but for their parent's as well.

Here are some tips for making a smooth transition from summer to school for you and your kids.

  1. Begin having your kids go to bed at their 'school-time' bed time and have them begin to get up at the time they would need to in order to get ready for school. This teaches your kid to prepare, ahead of time, for expected changes in life. Don't let your kids stay up late right up to the day before they start school. This will set them up for getting to school late and lead them to believe waiting till the last minute to do things is OK. 
  2. Create an area of the home where your kids will do their homework and agree on a time of day that they will need to do their homework once school starts. Don't leave it up to your kids to get their homework done. Create an office for them so they can feel important. Finding them a place of their own to do their homework will give them a sense of pride and will make doing their homework more enjoyable.
  3. Discuss what they can expect from this year's school and take them there. Entering a new grade and especially entering a new school can be a major sense of anxiety for your kids. How many nightmares did you have (or still do have) about not being able to find your classes or remember your locker combination? Take your kid to the school and walk them through it. Show them their classroom, locker and even meet the teacher if possible. This will ease their anxiety for that first day. 
  4. Discuss what your kids can expect on how they will be getting to and from school. Perhaps this will be the first year that they will be riding the bus or walking themselves to school. Practice where they will meet the bus or the route they are to take to school. Also make sure they have your address and phone number memorized and know the rules on talking to strangers.
Make this school year easier for you and your kids by planning ahead. 

Friday, August 17, 2012

Final installment of "Keeping it Tidy..."

We've tackled the bathroom, the kitchen and the kid's rooms but what about the rest of the house?
In the cleaning industry, we call the remaining rooms of the house -'The Living Areas'. Named so because that's exactly what we do in these areas, or at least we should be. When areas of our home become too cluttered they become lifeless because we avoid spending time in them. Think about it, when's the last time you spent some quality time in your storage room?

We all do it. We collect things over the years, whether bought or, received as a gift, and we add it to the rest of our collection of things. Many items are sentimental and others are, what I call, "what if I need that?" items. Unfortunately, we run out of space and our homes become cramped, uncomfortable, and frankly -disorienting. There are so many 'things' in the room with us that we get distracted trying to make sense of everything.

So let's start de-cluttering our homes one area at a time.

  1. Kitchen Cupboards - Go through your cupboards and box up the items that you don't need or never use. Keep enough plates, bowls, cups, silverware and glasses to feed your family for a day's worth of meals but pack up the rest and donate them. Yes, you will need to do the dishes daily but, doing the dishes won't be as big of a chore as before because there won't be as many dishes to do! Also donate anything you haven't used in the past year. If you have muffin tins but never bake muffins, then donate them. This is one of those "but what if I need that?" moments... I have a hard time with this kind of stuff so here is my compromise. You could donate them and then purchase new ones if, and when, you actually are going to bake muffins or.... you could purchase a plastic tote and pack up these "what if I need that?" items. Of course this is the same with any other baking or cooking item. I would suggest getting a see-through tote so you can see what's in it without having to open the tote and make sure to give it a label -'Kitchen Wares'. You'll need a place to store this tote though. Don't just throw it in your 'storage room', which we'll get to in a moment, but put it somewhere you will be able to find when you actually do need one of these items.
  2. Closets - This is another hard one. We hang on to clothes that we want to wear again but, either because we never have the occasion or they don't actually fit us anymore, we most likely won't. So.... donate! Be honest with yourself. Are you really going to wear that? Some clothes we keep because we like the way it looks on the hanger but when we put it on, we don't like the way it looks on us. If that's the case, donate it! Also, if you've had that piece since high-school, it's time to let it go. Another compromise though! When you get rid of those clothes you can get new ones that you will actually wear and that actually fit you. (But only if you need them of course!) And what about towels? How many towels do you need? I would keep enough towels & wash clothes to get your family through a week. Again, you may need to do laundry more often but it won't be such a chore because you'll have less to wash, dry and fold. Coats are another item in closets we tend to collect too many of. You should have two for each season, a casual one and a formal one. And if you ski or, do some other outdoor activity which requires special clothing, you should keep just what you need of them as well. Shoes are probably the worst things to let go of. Especially for us ladies -we love our shoes. This is another "what if I need that?" item. But again, if you haven't worn them in a year or, when you do you curse yourself for it because your feet are killing you, get rid of them. And yes, you can replace them, but make sure you replace them with ones that are comfortable and that you can wear with more than one outfit. Try to consolidate. 
  3. Furnishings and Decoration- Yes even furniture can become cluttered or be the clutter themselves. If you have furniture that no one ever sits in or uses, then why have it? Also, keep the decorations on your furnishings to a minimum. It is difficult, I know, because we tend to display items that are sentimental to us. But, we can't display everything! When we display too much decor, it gets lost among all the rest. So that precious knick-knack you put on display won't even get noticed because no one can focus on any one thing with all that other stuff! Another tip, put holiday decorations away when the holiday is over! Get another see-through tote and pack up your holiday decor. Make a tote for each holiday and store it in your 'storage room' with the rest of your holiday decor so you can find it again next year. When you do break out the holiday decor, don't just display it with your every day decor. Neatly pack up the decorations you have out normally and let the holiday decor take center stage. Even do this with pictures of your friends and family. Have Christmas photos, in frames, with your Christmas decor and put them out in place of your ever day photos. This gives your home a fresh and festive feeling while you and your family can reminisce and discover hidden memories.
  4. Storage Room - Last but, not least, we are going to tackle the storage room. We all have one (or two) rooms in our homes that collect the things we don't use on a daily basis. So let's open the door and take a look around. Can you even find anything you might need in here? Can you actually walk around and get to things without tripping? If you answered no to either of these questions we need to get this room organized. Let's start by taking out the things we really don't need. A lot of times we use this room to store things because we just don't know what to do with them and really don't want, or need, them. So this is a great time to get rid of them -donate! Now we need to get more see-through totes and start organizing things into categories that we can pack up together. As before, we packed our holiday decorations into separate totes. Don't forget to label them! Now we will stack them in one area of the room which we will consider our holiday section. You would also put all of your wrapping paper and any other holiday type item in a tote and put in this section. Put all your crafting items in one area as well, putting each of your project tools in a separate, labeled tote. Do this with each of your categories and soon your storage room will actually be a functioning room again and you will actually be able to use the things you are storing in it!
So there you have it. A nice, neat and tidy home. Have fun de-cluttering, organizing and re-discovering your home!

A note: For those of you that don't want to donate your items, you could have a yard sale and earn some extra money for those new shoes! 

Written by Erica Jensen, President and Co-Owner of Clean Right Company of Spokane, WA.

Thursday, August 9, 2012

What about the fridge?

Now that we have a beautifully organized kitchen, thanks to the tips and tricks in last week's post -Let's Tackle that Kitchen, there is one more kitchen item that we dread to even look in.....

The refrigerator......

I love a neat and tidy refrigerator. When you open the door you can see everything it holds, at a glance. But in my years as a cleaning professional I have opened many a fridge that looks like a bomb went off in it. Therefore, I would like to share some tips and tricks that I use to keeping my fridge neat and clean.

  1. Put larger items towards the back and smaller items toward the front. This way, you can see everything your fridge holds without wading through it all. This will also ensure that some food items don't get "lost" at the back of the fridge which is a waste of money and would lead to a smelly situation.
  2. Keep like items together. I like to keep my dairy together, condiments together, etc.
  3. Put all condiments and sauces in the fridge doors.   Group your sauces, dressings and condiments and put them in separate areas of the door to your fridge.
  4. Use see through containers. By using containers you can see into, you will know what is in it without having to open the container. 
  5. Stack items.  Take the time to put like items together and stack them properly. This will also make it easier to find the items you need, when you need them.
  6. Clean it out often. Cleaning the fridge can be a chore if you don't do it often. I take a moment to wipe each shelf, crisper and cubbie just before I load my groceries into the fridge. I also go through and dispose of any expired items so I don't stack my fresh groceries on top of old. This keeps your fridge clean and you shouldn't need to do a 'deep clean' on it. If something gets spilled, wipe it up immediately  Waiting will only make it harder to clean.

Written by Erica Jensen, President of Clean Right Company,

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Let's tackle that kitchen!

This week in the series of making your home neat and tidy, we will tackle the kitchen.

Kitchens are the hub of the home. We gather there to chat, snack, sip coffee, cook and eat meals. We also, often times, use this area as a catch-all. Not only do we have our small appliances on the counter but we also throw the mail on the counter, toss the keys on the table and put odds and ends in the infamous junk drawer. If you're not careful, this room can quickly become a cluttered disaster that is now a place no one wants to sit and chat or even cook! Here are some great tips and ideas on how to wrangle your messy kitchen and make it the communal communication hub of the home.... again!

professional grade dream kitchen

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Another installment on 'Keeping it Tidy.....

Last week we discussed one of the most common questions asked by our maid service customers, "what do I need to do to get ready for the cleaning staff", and my answer is simple -Pick Up!

I also shared an article on tips for a neat and tidy kid's room which included storage and decor solutions that will allow for easy clean up of your child's room. Today, I would like to share an article on the next, most cluttered area of a home:

The Bathroom......

Bathrooms are a room in a home that can easily become cluttered, especially for women. We have so many items that we use on a daily basis and, if there isn't a place to put these items, they sit on the counter top and begin to take over. Here is a great article with some great tips and decor ideas for getting your bathroom organized and keeping it that way!

Bins Help Keep Personal Bathroom Items Organized

Thursday, July 19, 2012

The way to a tidy home....

I have been asked many a time, over the years, what a home owner can do to get their home ready for cleaning service. A cleaning service is based on the time it takes to clean a home and having to stop to pick up before you can clean a surface is distracting and time consuming. Therefore I tell my clients that the more they can pick up and put things in their places, the better clean they will receive. Our company has a 'Pick Up Policy' which states that: our crews reserve the right to skip over or clean around areas that have not been picked up. To ensure a more thorough cleaning please be sure all areas that you want to have cleaned are free and clear so our crew may have free access to those areas.

That being said, I would like to give some advice on how to tidy up and organize the different rooms in a home in this, and my upcoming blogs.

Today's focus will be one of the more difficult rooms in a family's home:

The Kid's Rooms!!!

Children's rooms can be difficult to keep neat and tidy because of the large amount of content they usually have. Not only do our kid's rooms have the practical and necessary furnishings of any bedroom, but they also contain toys, games, art supplies, dress up attire, etc. Here is a great article on Easy-To-Clean Kid's Spaces that I thought would be helpful when deciding what to do in your kid's rooms. 

Islas butterfly photo girls bedroom

Friday, July 13, 2012

Let's take a trip

My husband/business partner and I recently returned from a trip to Cabo San Lucas, Mexico. Such a beautiful place surrounded by the Ocean and sandy beaches. This is our second trip to Cabo and each time we have noticed how clean everything is. Not only at our resort but at near all the places we visited. I say near because, there were a few bathrooms I was not so happy to have to use, but all in all, the cleanliness of each business and facility was a welcomed site. Everything smelled clean and fresh and we, being cleaning service owners, greatly appreciated that. We would constantly see people cleaning everything. And not just once, but each day. It was a welcomed site indeed.

Friday, June 22, 2012

A day in the life of a cleaning service owner: Did you smell that smell?

A day in the life of a cleaning service owner: Did you smell that smell?: a

Did you smell that smell?

Smell is a very powerful sense. It invokes memories, emotions, cravings & behaviors. Our sense of smell is also 70%-75% responsible for the way things taste and impacts us 24 hours a day. We take 26,000 breathes a day and are able to distinguish over 10,000 different aromas. In the cleaning industry smell is a very important part of our job. The first experience a customer has when they walk in their home or office after a cleaning is the smell. 

Aromatherapy, the practice of using essential oils taken from plants, flowers, roots, seeds, etc., in healing,  is meant for psychological and physical well being. Though aromatherapy has been practiced for thousands of years, dating back to the ancient Egyptians and the Vedic culture of India, where plant extracts and medicinal plants were widely used, there is much more scientific research being done for both fields today. ~serendip

Aromatherapy is being used to:

Promote relaxation and reduce stress
• Improve work performance
• Elevate mood and reduce depression
• Modify sleep and dreams
• Enhance self-image
• Retrieve memories
• Enhance sexuality
• Improve social relationships

What smells do you associate with clean?

Clean laundry is associated with a bright floral scent including a faint smell of bleach perhaps. Or maybe you enjoy a citrus-y scent or a slightly spicy smell. Whatever the scent, we associate clean with scents including bleach, lemon/citrus, lavender and pine. There is an ever growing market of cleaning agents with different fragrances to choose from so you can customize your aroma-therapeutic environment. 


Friday, June 15, 2012

What's living on your cell phone?

When we think of germiest items we have in our homes, most people's first choice is the toilet. 
But, interestingly enough, the toilet is one of the lesser germy things you come into contact with on a daily basis. Now I'm not saying that the toilet is void from germs but, most people clean their toilets with a disinfectant which helps keep these germs in check. 

Now try to think of something that you never clean.... 
Did you come up with anything? How about your electronics? How often do you clean your remote control? How about your cell phone? Check out this news cast on the germs living on your cell phone and how to combat them.

Friday, June 1, 2012

Hiring an Independent Cleaner versus a Professional Cleaning Service.... What's the difference?

When most people consider hiring a cleaning service for their home, the most common questions they have include; What price am I willing to pay for the service? What areas of my home do I want cleaned? and How often do I want service? 

What most people are not aware of are the differences between hiring an Independent Cleaner and a Professional Cleaning Service. This is one of the more complicated, and possibly dangerous, things to consider. There are numerous laws, both state and federal, surrounding employment, worker's compensation, taxes, and payroll that you would have to research and follow if you didn't have Clean Right Company as your home cleaning service.

Below are three legal facts you should know before hiring an independent cleaning service.

FACT 1. If you pay more than $1700 per year to an independent housecleaner, you must sign up for an Employer ID Number with the IRS. You are required to pay Social Security and Medicare (also known as FICA) and Federal Unemployment Tax. You may also be liable for Federal Income Tax withholding, state taxes and disability taxes. These taxes become part of your personal tax liability and must be reported on your Form 1040. Penalties for non-payment include interest penalties and fines.
(For the entire list of forms to be completed, see this page on the IRS website .)

FACT 2. You must verify that the person is legally allowed to work in the United States by having them complete the I-9 Employment Eligibility Verification form. Penalties for hiring illegal aliens range from $250 to $10,000. You should keep a signed W-4 form on file for each employee; you may also want to keep a photocopy of each employee's Social Security card. (For the entire list of forms to be completed, see this page on the IRS website .

FACT 3. Make sure that your homeowners' insurance includes a liability clause in case your employee gets injured at your home. At least $300,000 in liability protection is recommended, but up to $1 million in an umbrella or excess liability policy may be needed to protect you. You also may be liable for workers' compensation payments that would not be covered by your homeowner's insurance. See this page for workers compensation laws in your state.

If you hire a professional home cleaning service, like Clean Right Company, all of these concerns will be taken care of for you. We are the employer, so you don't have to worry about filing with the IRS for an employer ID number. We also verify that each employee is legally allowed to work in the U.S. and we have all of the insurance that covers any accident that happens in your home. Not only that but Clean Right Company diligently screen each of our staff members to ensure we are hiring honest, dependable and hard working individuals. Once hired, each of our team members are put through a rigorous training program teaching them Clean Right Company's unique cleaning system which has been developed to provide a thorough, quality clean each and every time. 

Friday, May 25, 2012

How important are chores to the development of my child?

Over the years my partner Nick and I have met hundreds of young people that don't know the basics in cleaning and work in general. They don't know how to clean a toilet properly, how to scrub a tub, they don't even know how to use a washer and dryer.

But its not just that they don't know how to clean. Young people don't know the importance of coming to work on-time, doing a good job at what they do, that things don't come for free and that getting a job is going to consist of actually working.....

Not teaching our children the basics and importance of household upkeep is creating a generation of young adults that do not know how to take care of themselves or their homes and do not understand the importance of chipping in and helping the family unit to function.

Giving our children chores not only teaches them basic life skills but it also teaches them some very important life lessons such as:

  • Responsibility - Assigning chores gives your child a sense of responsibility for the functioning of the home. 
  • Discipline - Children learn that doing their chores comes before fun. Just like with homework, chores are a responsibility that need to be accomplished before video games or playing with friends.
  • Time Management - When assigned chores are required to be done before play, children learn how to manage their time in order to accomplish their responsibilities and still make time to play hide-and-seek with the neighbors.
  • Work Ethic - At a young age, children can be taught that working is a vital part of life and that if you want something (allowance, fun, etc.) you need to work for it.
  • Team Work - Assigning kids chores gives them a sense of being part of the 'team'. They begin to see that they play a significant role in the family unit.   
  • Self-Esteem -When your child completes a chore (even if they grumble and gripe before, during and after) it gives them a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction. 

So as you can see, teaching your child the importance of completing an assigned chore in an efficient, effective and timely manner will not only help the family in the present, but will also assist your child in their older years when they begin school and then work. They will already understand the importance of completing their assigned tasks (homework or job) and that their teacher or employer is relying on them to accomplish what is assigned.

So make a chore chart, get smiley face stickers and start teaching your kids how to do chores around the house. Trust me, their Teachers and Employers will thank you!!/cleanrightco

Friday, May 18, 2012

8 Smart Strategies to Make your Home Dust-Proof

Though this article was not written by myself, I thought it was a great one so I wanted to share it with you all. 
Enjoy! ~Erica Jensen

8 Smart Strategies to Make Your Home Dust-Proof

Strategies that vastly reduce the never-ending dusting chore.
By Gary Wentz
The solution to most household problems is to attack the source. But you can’t eliminate the sources of household dust. You can’t even do much to reduce them, because more than 90 percent of household dust comes from people and fabric. Our bodies constantly shed tiny flakes of skin. Our clothes, bedding and furnishings constantly shed barely visible fibers. These flakes and fibers float on the slightest air currents and settle on every surface in your house. In a spot sheltered from air movement, the particles stay put. In other areas, they constantly rise and settle as doors swing open and people pass by.
Even if fighting dust is a battle you can never completely win, you can save a lot of time and energy with these dust-busting strategies.
1. Keep closet floors clear for easy cleaning. Closets are dust reservoirs, full of tiny fibers from clothes, towels and bedding. Every time you open the door, you whip up an invisible dust storm. You can’t prevent clothes from shedding fibers, but you can make closets easier to keep clean and vastly cut down on dust.
  • Box or bag items on shelves. Clear plastic containers are best — they lock fibers in and dust out and let you see what’s inside. When you dust, they’re easy to pull off the shelves and wipe clean.
  • Enclose the clothes you rarely wear. Those coats you wear only in winter shed fibers year-round. Slip garment bags or large garbage bags over them. They help to contain fibers and keep the clothes themselves from becoming coated with dust.
  • Keep closet floors clear. If the floor is cluttered, chances are you’ll just bypass it while vacuuming. But a wide-open floor adds only a few seconds to the vacuuming chore. And a wire shelf lets you clear all those shoes off the floor without losing storage space.
2. Upgrade your furnace filter. If your home has a forced-air heating or cooling system, it can help control dust by filtering the air. Most visible dust settles on floors and furniture before it can enter the heating/cooling system, so no filter will eliminate dusting chores. Still, a filter upgrade can make a noticeable improvement.
The most effective system is an electrostatic filter connected to your ductwork ($700 to $1,500, professionally installed). An electrostatic filter may be worth the expense if you have allergies. But if you just want to reduce dust buildup, it’s smarter to spend $40 to $100 per year on high-quality disposable filters. A standard fiberglass filter traps only the largest dust particles. It’s effective enough to protect your furnace but does almost nothing to reduce household dust. Better filters are made from pleated fabric or paper. Most pleated filters also carry an electrostatic charge that attracts and holds dust. A pleated filter can capture virtually all the visible dust that reaches it. Manufacturers usually recommend that you change these filters every three months, but you should check them monthly, especially if you have cats or dogs, and replace them if they’re dirty. Dirty pleated filters can restrict airflow and damage your furnace.
3. Rotate bedding weekly. Your cozy bed is a major dust distributor. The bedding collects skin flakes, sheds its own fibers and sends out a puff of dust every time you roll over. To minimize the fallout, wash sheets and pillowcases weekly. Items that aren’t machine washable don’t need weekly trips to the dry cleaners — just take blankets and bedspreads outside and shake them. You can spank some of the dust out of pillows, but for a thorough cleaning, wash or dry-clean them. When you change bedding, don’t whip up a dust storm. Gently roll up the old sheets and spread out the new ones; even clean bedding sheds fibers.
4. Capture dust — don’t just spread it around. Feather dusters and dry rags pick up some of the dust they disturb, but most of it just settles elsewhere. Damp rags or disposable cloths that attract and hold dust with an electrostatic charge (like Swiffer or Grab-it) work much better. Cloths that attract dust with oils or waxes also work well but can leave residue on furniture. Use vacuum attachments only on surfaces that are hard to dust with a cloth, such as rough surfaces and intricate woodwork, because the exhaust stream from a vacuum whips up a dust storm.
5. Beat and shake area rugs. In most homes, carpet is by far the biggest dust reservoir. It’s a huge source of fibers and absorbs dust like a giant sponge. Even the padding underneath holds dust, which goes airborne with each footstep. Some serious allergy sufferers find that the only solution is to tear out wall-to-wall carpet and install hard flooring like wood or tile. Those of us who don’t want to take that drastic step have to vacuum regularly. Vacuum pathways and busy areas at least once a week. The dust that gathers under chairs or behind the sofa is less important. It stays put unless it’s disturbed by a toddler, a pet or a breeze. Vacuum large area rugs too. But also take them outside three or four times a year for a more thorough cleaning. Drape them over a fence or clothesline and beat them with a broom or tennis racket. A good beating removes much more dust than vacuuming. Take smaller rugs outside for a vigorous shaking every week.
6. Take cushions out for a beating. Upholstery fabric not only sheds its own fibers but also absorbs dust that settles on it. You raise puffs of dust every time you sit down. The only way to eliminate upholstery dust is to buy leather- or vinyl-covered furniture. But there are three ways to reduce dust on fabric:
  • Dust settles mostly on horizontal surfaces; vacuum them weekly. Vacuum vertical surfaces monthly.
  • Take cushions outside and beat the dust out of them. An old tennis racket works well and lets you practice your backhand. A thorough beating removes deeply embedded dust better than vacuuming.
  • Slipcovers for chairs and sofas are easy to pull off and take outdoors for a shaking. Better yet, some are machine washable. Slipcovers are readily available at discount and home furnishings stores and online ( is one good source).
Do air cleaners reduce dusting? An effective air cleaner removes large and small particles from the air in a single room. Within that space, it can relieve allergy or asthma symptoms and even reduce smoke and cooking odors. But don’t expect it to relieve you of dusting duty. Air cleaners are sized to filter a small area, so only a small portion of the airborne dust in your home will ever reach the unit. For air cleaners to have a real effect on overall dust levels, you would need one unit in every room — at a cost of $60 to $500 per room.
7. Clean the air while you clean house. All vacuums whip up dust with their “agitator” (the cylindrical brush that sweeps the carpet) or blowing exhaust stream. That dust eventually settles on the surfaces you’ve just cleaned. But if your forced-air heating/cooling system is equipped with a good filter, you can filter out some of that dust before it settles. Just switch your thermostat to “fan on.” This turns on the blower inside your furnace and filters the air even while the system isn’t heating or cooling. Leave the blower on for about 15 minutes after you’re done cleaning. But don’t forget to switch back to “auto.” Most blowers aren’t designed to run constantly.
8. Match the vacuum to the flooring. Suction alone isn’t enough to pull much dust out of carpet. For good results, you need a vacuum with a powerful agitator. Upright vacuums are usually best for carpet, although some canister vacuums with agitators work well, too. When it comes to wood, tile or vinyl flooring, your best choice is a canister vacuum without an agitator (or with an agitator that can be turned off). An agitator does more harm than good on hard flooring because it blows dust into the air

Friday, May 11, 2012

Sanitizer versus Disinfectant, is there a difference?

Hand sanitizers are everywhere nowadays from wipes for your shopping cart handle to bottles of hand sanitzers on every desk. But did you know that a sanitizer is not a disinfectant and does not kill viruses and fungi?

A sanitizer is a chemical that reduces the number of microorganisms to a safe level. It doesn't need to eliminate 100 percent of all organisms to be effective and, as stated above, does not kill viruses or fungi. So basically, a sanitzer just reduces the number of organisms on a surface and does not completely remove them.

A disinfectant, on the other hand, is a chemical that completely destroys all organisms listed on its label. The organisms it kills are disease-causing bacteria and pathogens, and it may or may not kill viruses and fungi, depending on the type of disinfectant used.

So to make a long, scientific story short - a sanitizer is fine for surfaces like blinds and cabinets, but you need a disinfectant for germier spots, like the kitchen sink and bathtub, which may harbor disease-causing bugs such as salmonella and e. coli. And if you are trying to not get the flu bug, using a sanitizer will not protect you.

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Well it has been quite some time since I've written a blog post but I am starting out fresh. Very exciting changes have been made already this year and we continue to evolve. I am looking forward to sharing my interests and knowledge in business and the cleaning industry. Please visit our website at and like us on Facebook. Also, let me know if there are any topics you would like me to explore in my blog. I want to engage you in my posts and start discussions.